Betty and I met up with a friend at the Rossi for happy hour. I was curious to try their pizza after reading some good things about it in the
Columbus blogosphere. I'm a big fan of NYC pizza and have a bad habit of comparing most thin pizzas to that genre of pizza. What I read about the Rossi was that it was pretty good and ultra thin so I was ready to investigate the claims. When we arrived at the Rossi I was all business and was ready to try their simple ultra thin cheese pizza. When it arrived it looked pretty promising:

I think of crucial NYC pizza as having 3 things:
- ultra thin crust with carbon burn marks
- simple and sweet tasting tomato sauce
- and cheese that's greasy and blends the sauce into the crust for one yummy fusion of a taste.
I used these 3 guidelines to compare and rate the Rossi. As for the crust -- this is the thinnest crust I've ever seen on a pizza NYC included. It was pretty tasty but was simple and a bit undercooked for my tastes. The cheese was ample and pretty good. No excessive layers of grease deposits as most NYC pizzas possess -- but I'm a pizza blotter anyways. The sauce was the low point for me. I found the sauce to be more of a tart tomato pasty style sauce then I usually go for and so as I ate the pizza -- which don't get me wrong -- I still devoured -- I didn't quite have that fusion of crust, cheese and sauce that I drool about when I dream of say John's Pizzeria. Betty claimed that I really liked the pizza regardless of what I'm writing above. All in all the pizza was pretty good but not in the revered category that I cherish my favorites that include Adriaticos, Flying Pizza, Hound Dogs, Surly Girl and Grandads. I do think I owe the place one more try to pursue a toppings pizza since I failed to do so on this past trip -- so I think happily the verdict is still out on the Rossi's Pizza - until next time...
Umberto, I know you've had some tasty food since August 1st. I want updates!